
Infrastructure and Transportation

Over the past thirty years, the Socialist Party has been a consistant advocate for better roads and more accessible rail service. When our party was re-established in Hulstria three decades ago, the infrastructure of Greater Hulstria was in a sad state of disrepair, with the entire burden of maintenance costs carried by the individual crownlands. Today, due to the efforts of the Socialist Party, the national government now spends billions to improve and maintain the various systems that move our economy and has relieved much of the burden from the crownlands, allowing them to spend on other critical projects involving education and healthcare.

The Socialist Party pledges the following:
-To pass measures that improve our infrastructure, thereby growing our economy
-To push through more funding for the Ministry of Transportation
-To introduce legislation that will fund the construction of a new highspeed railroad that will serve not only our largest cities, but will also be easily accessible to our less populated areas.
-To ensure that our roads are free from gas guzzling vehicles that only hurt our natural environment and release dangerous fumes into the air we breathe.